Our School Houses
We have four school houses named after Saints and each has an associated House colour:
St. Margaret Clitheroe (yellow), St. John Fisher (blue), St. Anne Line (green) and St. Thomas More (red).
All the children and staff belong to one of the houses and house points are collected throughout the year, for good behaviour, being helpful and kind, and for exceptional work. If you are not sure which house your child is in, your class teacher should have a list (if you have an older sibling at the school, they will always be in the same house). At the end of each term there is a House Cup which is presented to the house with the most house points. Our big annual House event is Sports Day in the summer term when everyone dresses in their house colours and have a day of races, games and fun - children and adults!
Each house has a Captain, who also sits in the School Council. Our House Captains have done the following descriptions of what their house and role mean to them:
St Thomas More

- Thomas More was born in London and lived from 1478 to 1535. He was a lawyer, humanist, statesman and author as well as advisor to Henry VIII.
- In 1529, he succeeded Thomas Wolsey as Chancellor.
- When Henry VIII split from the Catholic Church, More refused to recognize him as the Supreme Head of the Church. More was found guilty of treason and he was beheaded on 6th July 1535. He was 57 years old.
- Thomas More was a devout Catholic. He saw the Protestant reformation as being evil and dangerous. He rejected the work of Martin Luther and William Tyndale, believing that the Catholic Church was the only true church.
- Thomas More was made a saint in 1935.
Thomas More House Captains are responsible for helping at sports day and tidying the PE cupboard.