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St. Francis' Catholic Primary School

"For it is in giving that we receive." St. Francis of Assisi

Sports Funding

Below you will find details of how our school uses its Sport Funding.

Our aims are: 

  • to ensure that all our pupils enjoy PE lessons and sporting opportunities throughout their school life.
  • to enhance the skills of our pupils through a wide variety of PE and sporting opportunities.
  • to ensure the pupils have an awareness of how sport and PE contributes to a healthy lifestyle.
  • to help our pupils develop a life-long interest in sport.

Each year the Government allocate funding to schools to help enhance and support the delivery of PE and Sport in school. Schools may spend the money as they see fit, bearing in mind DfE guidance and proven strategies for improving attainment.

The Sports Premium Funding Document is maintained by our PE and Sports Lead, Mrs Steph Couch. The document helps us improve provision and monitor our delivery of the PE element of the National Curriculum.