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St. Francis' Catholic Primary School

"For it is in giving that we receive." St. Francis of Assisi

PTA - St Francis' School Association

A very warm welcome from St Francis’ School Association.

Please scroll down to find useful information as to your class representatives, how the School Association raises vital funds for our children and how you can get involved.    

How we let you know what is happening: All information that needs to be relayed to parents from the PTA is noted in the weekly school newsletter.

If you have any questions, please email one of the Committee on

Many thanks from all of us on the Committee             

Chair: Amie Morrell

Deputy: Rachael Kay

 Secretary : Debbie Robinson

Treasurer: Andrew Tsui & Lauren Wilan



Our Parents School Association?  (click to open) 

We are very fortunate at our school to have an Association that is, and has been, such an integral part of the school community for many years.  Over the years we have raised thousands of pounds which has been spent on improving school equipment and resources to enhance our children’s education and the facilities in the school.

Our Association is much more than just fundraising. It exists to provide closer links between home and school and is an excellent way to bring staff, parents and friends together socially in support of the school, whilst working towards a common goal.

All parents and members of the school community can get involved if they want to, even if they only have a small amount of time. We understand time is very precious.

Not all of our events are fundraisers.  Children are invited to discos and parents hold events as a way of thanking families for all of their support throughout the year.

How we spend the money we raise

We are able to consider how we would like to spend the money we raise and this is done when we meet throughout the year at the PTA meetings.  Direction is usually taken from the Head Teacher and their “Wish List” which could improve a particular area of curriculum, school environment or “extras” not provided for by the school budget.

We always endeavour to spend funds in ways that benefit all children across all areas of the school and curriculum.

We also have annual ongoing commitments to the following :-

  • We provide £150 per class in September for discretionary use by each class teacher as to what may make a difference for their pupils in class.
  • We provide Christmas Crackers and squash for the children’s Christmas lunch
  • We meet the cost of a Leaver’s Yearbook for the Year 6 children, to help commemorate their time at the school and the friends and achievements they have made here
  • We provide frozen ice-pops to the children, on Sports Day

How you can get involved?

We really couldn’t achieve what we do without the unseen ‘army of help’ that exists in the school.

You can, of course, if you are able, volunteer to be a Class Rep or Committee Member.  Also, we would love to know if you have any “special” skills that we could make use of.

However, on the simplest level, support the association and your school by attending events and getting involved.

We would love to see you at our AGM in the Autumn Term (details to follow) and give us your ideas for fundraising events, as this is the time to ask questions and voice your opinion!

There are lots of ways you can help and support your child through the association. 

It really is a case of ‘many hands make light work’ and sometimes what is asked for can really take up very little time to get these done.

It really doesn’t matter if you can’t help on a regular basis or even if you can’t come into school. There are always little jobs that can be done from home, if you can spare some time, eg. wrapping gifts for Santa’s grotto, taping tickets to tombola bottles, creating flyers, printing posters, baking cakes, etc.

Role of the Committee  

Our PTA committee usually consists of 6 elected Officers (Chair, Vice-Chair, Treasurer and Secretaries). We also have a Teacher representative and the Headteacher at our meetings.  All other parents are also invited to attend which enables us to make decisions about the activities that we would like to carry out.

The Committee meet on a regular basis, usually once per half term, with smaller working groups meeting as necessary to organise larger or more complicated events.

  • Annual General Meeting (AGM)

Our Annual General meeting is held at the beginning of the academic year and this is an opportunity for all parents to come along and hear in more detail about the events run, funds raised and how the money has been spent.  It is also the occasion when we elect our new committee and class representatives for the forthcoming year.

  • Class Representatives

Class Representatives undertake a very important role.  There are usually two representatives per class who provide a link between individual classes parents and the committee. The support from class representatives is vital when it comes to organising our events as they :-

  • are the point of contact for ticket sales
  • co-ordinate their class stalls & class volunteer rota for both the Christmas & Summer Fayres
  • help organise volunteers and donations  at events
  • keep their class parents and teacher updated of forthcoming PTA appeals or events
  • pass any messages from the class teacher on to their class parents

Without the help of all our Class Reps, we could not manage our events, and their role and support they give is invaluable!

A list of our current Committee members, class representatives are available from any of the Committee.  Updated lists are sent out each year after the AGM. If you are interested in joining the Committee, acting as a class rep or volunteering, please do not hesitate to talk to any member of the Committee.

How we raise money?

Like most Associations, the majority of our funds are raised through events that we run. Some of our most popular events are the Fayres, Children’s Discos and Cake Sales. We have also raised money in the past from printed calendars, tea towels, mouse mats and mugs, produced our own cookery book and fashion shows.  Other popular events, organised previously have been Race Night, Film Night, St Patrick’s Family Disco, Quiz Night, Children’s Bingo, Bags to School, Bonus Ball, Cheese and Wine Events and Nearly New Uniform Sales!

There is always something going on, and we always try and respond to the children’s & parents requests for events and try to provide an affordable and entertaining event for all the family.  After all the hard work is done, it is truly rewarding to see the all the children having a great time at events and even more so, when they are able to enjoy using new equipment or resources that have been donated by the association. 

We are fortunate, however, to have other opportunities open to us to raise money. Set-up a few years ago, a web portal called ‘Give as you live’ donates a percentage of any sales purchased on the internet when using their web portal from vendors such as Amazon, M&S, Debenhams, John Lewis, Boots, plus, lots, lots more! If you shop online, we could received a percentage of the value of your purchases, and at no extra cost to you - visit

Donations are extremely important, and these can be in any form besides money, such as your time (helping as a volunteer), donating items for sale or raffle prizes or your skills and services to aid the school’s facilities.

Links with Local Business

  • We have, over time, developed strong links with the local community and are always well supported by both residents and businesses, for which we are very grateful.  Many of the local Caterham shops are very generous in their donations of raffle & tombola prizes and some have taken part in our Christmas and Summer Fayres.  We have also been extremely grateful to the local businesses who have participated in charity matched giving schemes, which has had a huge impact on our fundraising.

Charity Matched Giving

Charity Matched Giving is a very simple practice. Companies and businesses pledge to donate to a charity, such as ourselves, an amount of money relating to the amount that an employee(s) donates or fundraises for us.  We have been helped enormously in the past by this type of donation

If you think that your employer has a matched giving scheme already in operation or if you would like further details about setting up a scheme please talk to one of the Committee or ask in the school office.

Why are we a Registered Charity? 

It is a legal requirement that organisations such as ours, with an annual income in excess of £5000, register with the Charity Commission.

As a Charity we must abide by Charity Commission rules and regulations and we are bound by a constitution.  Our constitution sets out rules about how we operate and how we conduct ourselves.  As a Registered Charity :-

  • We can raise funds more easily from grant giving trusts, local businesses, etc.
  • We can take advantage of Charity matched giving scheme.

PTA website - second hand school uniform shop