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St. Francis' Catholic Primary School

"For it is in giving that we receive." St. Francis of Assisi

Our Governors


Governors at St Francis' Catholic Primary School

The Governors of St Francis' Catholic Primary School would like to extend a warm welcome to all Parents, Carers, Pupils and Visitors to our website. We believe education and the spiritual and moral development of our children is a partnership between home and school and we look to all parents and carers to become fully involved in their child’s development.

The school's Governing Body is made up of a group of individuals, who work on a voluntary basis. They possess a multiplicity of skills and experience, and their role is to advise, challenge and help ensure that the school is well led and its achievements move from strength to strength. As a Catholic school a number of the governors are Foundation Governors, appointed by the Bishop, whose duty it is to ensure that the Catholic ethos of the school is maintained in all aspects of school life.

We are a strong, supportive, Governing Body working in partnership with Mrs McGrath, our Head of School, and the senior leadership team. Together we have a responsibility and commitment to the safety and welfare of the children at the school. This includes reviewing child protection and E-safety practices regularly and having ‘Prevent’ training. We also help determine the strategic direction of the school, set priorities for development and perform an ongoing monitoring role to ensure the best outcomes for every child. To this end, we meet once every half-term to discuss key strategic issues and to ensure that we meet our statutory obligations. 

We also have temporary working parties set up to meet the current needs of the school, currently these are in Communication and Outstanding Governance.

All minutes of The Governing Body and Committee meetings are available for parents to view at the school office.

As Governors, we attend school events and also visit during the school day to see the school development plan being implemented. We are also each linked to specific areas of responsibility (see Governors Details of Office).  The views of the children are actively sought during visits to the school and at regular, informal meetings. Together these actions help us to see for ourselves how the vision and plans for the school are working in practice.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank the dedicated and hardworking staff, who are committed to providing pupils, of all abilities, with a rich, creative and stimulating learning experience, enabling them to use every opportunity to reach their full potential whilst embedding our Catholic values in all their school activities. Our thanks also extend to our parents and carers, (not forgetting our very active PTA) for the support and encouragement they give the children and the school.

Please take the time to browse our school website, where you will find more information about our wonderful & caring school.

Best wishes,

St Francis' Governors